Nurturing adventurous spirit at Gordonstoun School | Independent School Parent

4 min readJun 16, 2021

Renowned as HRH Prince Philip’s alma mater and the inspiration behind his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Gordonstoun’s ethos of nurturing adventurous spirits remains strong, writes Katie Hughes.

As soon as news broke of HRH Prince Philip’s death in April, Gordonstoun School became a magnet for the media. “The phone began to ring and my email alerts began to ping,” says the school’s head of PR and marketing Eleanor Bradford, “and they didn’t stop ringing and pinging for eight solid days.” The result was more than 2,000 media mentions.

When Gordonstoun School — Prince Philip’s old school — later arranged a wreath-laying ceremony at sea to mark the duke’s death, staff expected a small turnout from the local community. But the full force of the nation’s media soon descended: ITV, the BBC and Sky News among them. “I found out later that there were more cameras at our event than anywhere outside Windsor Castle,” says Eleanor.

Prince Philip was not Gordonstoun’s only famous former pupil — but he was the oldest — and just the 10th to arrive when it opened its doors to students back in 1934. Since then, the school has educated two more generations of the royal family. But, perhaps more importantly, it has also become synonymous with a unique form of education.

From the beginning, Gordonstoun has insisted that learning goes (a long way) beyond the classroom walls, and that both life skills and academic achievement are needed to succeed. So, when its founder Dr Kurt Hahn described the neighbouring Moray Firth (an inlet of the North Sea) as the “best school master” there weren’t too many raised eyebrows.

These days, every pupil learns the basics of sailing in the Moray Firth, with many also spending a week on the school’s 80ft sail training vessel around Scotland’s west coast. “Sailing and expeditions are not optional extras but core parts of the curriculum,” says headmistress Lisa Kerr. “We believe that the best classrooms don’t have walls, and it’s by facing challenges and going beyond their comfort zone that our students find out that they’re capable of more than they thought possible.”

It follows that, beyond sailing, there’s no escaping the great outdoors at Gordonstoun. Activities range from open canoeing to Nordic skiing, bushcraft to ice climbing, and orienteering to mountain biking. Luckily, 94 per cent of alumni now say that the school’s out-of-classroom learning experiences have had a positive influence on their personal growth and development.

Those living in and around Gordonstoun’s hometown of Moray are used to seeing pupils fighting fires with the local fire crew, setting out to sea with the coastguard rescue team or riding with the disabled. “All students volunteer in one of our nine community and rescue services,” says Lisa Kerr.

It’s by facing challenges and going beyond their comfort zones that our students find out that they’re capable of more than they thought possible

They may call for a high degree of commitment (Gordonstoun’s firefighters are on call 24 hours-a-day, one week in three), but altruistic services are important. “Considering the wellbeing of others isn’t necessarily the top priority of a teenager,” says one parent, “but it’s definitely good for them for that reason.”

Another social advantage for the school’s students is the fact that they’re a diverse bunch from more than 40 countries, and that 30 per cent of them are on bursaries. “We have ambitions to grow this further,” says Kerr “and already have a significant number of students from very modest backgrounds, including a number from Rwanda.”

As the first non-teacher head of a Scottish independent school and the first female principal of Gordonstoun, Kerr is as much of a trailblazer as the community that she leads. And she has big plans for the school’s future — not least to confirm Gordonstoun’s rightful place as “a world leader in character education”.

Gordonstoun School in the news

* Gordonstoun was one of the UK’s first
public schools to become completely
* Its student firefighters form the only school-based fire service in the UK.
* Its 80ft sailing boat, Ocean Spirit, is crewed by adventurous students and they have been known to set sail for the Arctic.
* Life at the school is based on an estate that dates back to the 13th century.

Originally published at on June 16, 2021.




A wooded estate set on 200 acres in northern Scotland, Gordonstoun holds the distinction of being one of the United Kingdom’s top full- boarding schools.